Strawberry banana smoothie A delicious strawberry banana shake recipe
Strength Post workout meal

Ah the strawberry banana smoothie… Close your eyes and imagine yourself for a moment: you have just finished your sport, you are sweaty and you are hungry. You just want to cool off and have some fun, and here comes this delicious protein shake: creamy, summery, perfect for your muscles ... We convinced you, didn't we?
- 100 g strawberries (fresh or frozen)
- 1 tbsp White Chia Seeds
- 100 ml milk (1.5% fat)
- 150 ml water
- 30 g Strawberry Whey Protein
- 1 banana (fresh or frozen)
- optional 1 tbsp Peanut butter as a topping
- Blend the strawberries and Chia seeds using a blender.
- Pour the contents into a glass.
- In the same blender, add the water, Whey Protein and banana and blend until a smooth mixture is obtained.
- Pour the mixture into the glass. Add a little peanut butter as a topping and serve cold.
- Enjoy your meal !